#ifndef ButtonPress
#define ButtonPress
include <avr/io.h>
char ButtonPressed(int buttonNumber, unsigned char pinOfButton, unsigned char portBit,
int confidenceLevel);
char Pressed[numberOfButtons];
int Pressed_Confidence_Level[numberOfButtons]; //Measure button press cofidence
int Released_Confidence_Level[numberOfButtons]; //Measure button release confidence
char ButtonPressed(int buttonNumber, unsigned char pinOfButton, unsigned char portBit,
int confidenceLevel)
if (bit_is_clear(pinOfButton, portBit))
Pressed_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] ++; //Increase Pressed Conficence
Released_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] = 0; //Reset released button confidence
since there is a button press
if (Pressed_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] > confidenceLevel) //Indicator of good
button press
if (Pressed[buttonNumber] == 0)
Pressed[buttonNumber] = 1;
return 1;
//Zero it so a new pressed condition can be evaluated
Pressed_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] = 0;
Released_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] ++; //This works just like the pressed
Pressed_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] = 0; //Reset pressed button confidence since
the button is released
if (Released_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] > confidenceLevel)
Pressed[buttonNumber] = 0;
Released_Confidence_Level[buttonNumber] = 0;
return 0;
This is the program that contains all of the code that determines the button state
and keeps track of the confidence levels for the button press and release for eliminating
the debouncing effect. This library file is named: "ButtonPress.h" which you can
see in the include file of the main program. If you copy and paste this code and
save it as another name, you will need to change the include file for the main program.
#define numberOfButtons 2
include <avr/io.h>
int main(void)
DDRB = 0b00001100;
PORTB = (1 << PINB0)|(1 << PINB1);
while (1)
if (ButtonPressed(0, PINB, 0, 100)) PORTB ^= (1 << PINB2);
if (ButtonPressed(1, PINB, 1, 100)) PORTB ^= (1 << PINB3);
Notice how short the main program is now. Most of the code for the button presses
and software debouncing is abstracted out in a library. All you need to do is include
the ButtonPress.h file and use a define statement at the beginning of the program
to inform the compiler how many buttons you wish to use. To determine if a button
is pressed, just make an "if" statement with the information relating to the specific
button like the button number, the pin and port and the threshold of theconfident
level for the software debouncing.