This is a USB AVR programmer which will allow your microcontroller to communicate with your computer via USB port.
This USB AVR programmer uses a 10 pin connection system for communication from your device to your microcontroller. Click here for the windows drivers.
The programmer can be used to program most AVR microcontrollers via USBASP firmware (preloaded). Excellent for AVR experiments and development!Support for AVR Dude from version 5.2 onwardsAllows you to to read or write the microcontroller EEPROM, firmware, fuse bits and lock bitsSupport for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows5 KB/sec maximum write speed10 pin ISP interfaceWith power and programming indicator lightOn-board over-current protectionSupport 5V and 3.3V power supplyy261,ATtiny261A,ATtiny461,ATtiny861,ATtiny861A,ATtiny2313,ATtiny2313.etc