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Create a Useful and Searchable Video Clip from any Public Video on Youtube

My plea: There are so many great videos out there, but the great content within the videos are hard to find. You need to watch the entire video to find that useful snippet of information. This is a way to save that tiny bit of wonderfullness and provide a description that allows it to be searchable.

Step 1: Enter a youtube ID in the text box and click on "Get Video".

Youtube Video ID:

You need Flash player 8+ and JavaScript enabled to view the video.
Current Position: 0

Step 2: Position the video where you would like the video clip to start and click "Set Start Time". Do the same for the end time.

Step 3: Describe the video in detail.



Code or Emphasized Information:

Latest Video Clips

Stepper with ATmega32A

Thanks for the push button code and ADC examples Patrick. Your website motivated me to transition from Arduino and Intel Edison (in mraa) to the real deal. Best wishes, Jordan Includes Code

Stepper with ATmega32A

Thanks for the push button code and ADC examples Patrick. Your website motivated me to transition from Arduino and Intel Edison (in mraa) to the real deal. Best wishes, Jordan Includes Code

Circuit simulator and PCB design software - EasyEDA

EasyEDA is a free, zero- install, cloud-based EDA tool, designed to give electrical engineers, educators, engineering students and electronics hobbyists an Easier EDA Experience. It is easy to use cir... Includes Code

Jezus w sieci2

ks Adam Szustak, ks Michal Olszewski, ks. Piotr Pawlukiewicz, ks. Marek Dziewiecki, ojciec Augustyn Pelanowski, ojciec Józef Witko, Witek Wilk

Jezus w sieci

ks Adam Szustak, ks Michal Olszewski, ks. Piotr Pawlukiewicz, ks. Marek Dziewiecki, ojciec Augustyn Pelanowski, ojciec Józef Witko, Witek Wilk

bla bla bla

Star Trek. Bla bla bla

AVR USB (USBasp) programmer for AVR Microcontrollers

The goal of this video is to show you how to program ATmega32A chip using AVR USB Programmer. Video Courtesy of Youtube Channel: BinaryUpdates Includes Code

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to send data (communicate) from a class blueprint to the level blueprint. Class broadcasts that something happened in that class. This example shows a hit event against a mesh component and tells other blueprints that this happened.

Create an event dispatcher by clicking the main event dispatcher icon in the My Blueprint panel. Name the event dispatcher appropriately. An event dispatcher creates an event for which other blu...

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to call a class blueprint from a level blueprint

The class blueprint that will be called should be put into the level and selected. Open the level blueprint. Right click on the events graph of the level blueprint and select the custom event that...

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to move (translate) a mesh from a blueprint caused by an input and using add actor local offset and make vector nodes

In the events graph of the blueprint, create a reference to the mesh in the blueprint that will be moved by right clicking in the events graph and selecting the mesh component, or by ctrl dragging the...

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to create a custom event in a class blueprint (An event to be used or fired by the level blueprint)

Open or create a class blueprint. In the event graph of the blueprint, right click on the graph and type event. Click on custom event... This will be the entry into the blueprint when it gets cal...

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to spawn an actor using the level blueprint and an input from the keyboard and where to spawn in the level.

From the keyboard input that was created, drag the pin from pressed and type spawn and click on spawn actor from class. Click the dropdown list next to class and select the class (class blueprint in ...

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to create an input (keyboard, mouse, finger touch) event on the level blueprint

Click the icon at the top of the level editor called blueprints and click on open level blueprints. Right click on the event graph and click on inputs and then on whatever input you would like to u...

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to simulate physics to a mesh component in a blueprint.

In the blueprint window, select the mesh that will simulate physics and under the details panel, click on simulate physics under the physics section.

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to create a blueprint based on a mesh

Go to the content browser and find the mesh from which you would like to create a blueprint. Right click on that mesh and click Create a blueprint using... The blueprint window will open with the ...