Thanks for the push button code and ADC examples Patrick. Your website motivated me to transition from Arduino and Intel Edison (in mraa) to the real deal.
Best wishes,
//This is the basic running function
void go(struct stepPins* myStepper)
if (TIFR & (1 << OCF1A))
if (myStepper->step%4== 1)
motorPORT = myStepper-> F1;
else if (myStepper-> step%4 == 2)
motorPORT = myStepper-> F2;
else if (myStepper->step%4 == 3)
motorPORT = myStepper-> F3;
else if (myStepper->step%4 == 0)
motorPORT = myStepper-> F4;
myStepper->fourthStep = '1';
myStepper-> step=0;
myStepper->step= myStepper->step+1;
TIFR = (1 << OCF1A); // Clear the CTC Flag by writing a logic 1 to it
myStepper->stepCount = (myStepper->stepCount)+1;
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