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Thumbnail: 22 pF Capacitor

22 pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

STM32F0 microcontroller and interface board top view

STM32 M0 MCU and Interface to Breadboard

White prototyping breadboard with 30 tie strips and two power rails on each side.

White Prototyping Breadboard (2x30 columns of tie strips and 2x2 rows of power strips)

Clear Semi Transparent Breadboard

Clear Prototyping Breadboard (2x30 columns of tie strips and 2x2 rows of power strips)

Thumbnail: A bundle of 65 jumper wires of various length and color. Bound together with the male connectors shown in the foreground.

Bundle of 65 Male to Male Flexible Jumper Wires

A single mini breadboard 17X10. Black color.
Single White 17X10 mini breadboard
Single Blue 17x10 Mini Breadboard
A single 17x10 mini breadboard (Red)
Single Green Mini Breadboard

Breadboarding: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) Understanding Noise and Using Capacitors to Reduce the Noise

The ACD result and deflection is tested with a capacitors: 10 uf (micro farad) and 100 uf.

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