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3 pin slide switch

SPDT Slide Switch 3 pin 30V

Tactile momentary push button switch 6 mm x 6 mm (through hole)
LED button tactile switch

LED Button Tactile Switch

Red Through Hole LED (Light emitting diode)

Single Red Through Hole LED (Light Emitting Diode)

Green through hole LED (light emitting diode)

Single Green Through Hole LED (Light Emitting Diode)

Yellow through hole LED (light emitting diode)

Single Yellow Through Hole LED (Light Emitting Diode)

Thumbnail: quad buffer line driver 74HC126E

Quad Buffer Line Driver (Through Hole)

USB 2.0 Cable 10 Foot Type A Male to Type B Male

USB 2.0 Cable Type A Male to Type B Male - 10 FT

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

3 Foot USB Cable Type A to USB Cable Type A

USB Cable Type A Male to USB Type A Male - 3 FT


Programming: Push Button Switch to Change LED Blink Delay

How to make a program for the Atmel AVR microcontroller using a push button to change the delay that an LED is blinking. The program uses the util/delay.h library and _delay_ms(delayAmount) function. Two delays are used: a 10 millisecond delay and a 100 millisecond delay.

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