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Creating a DataGrid using an SQL database and LINQ to SQL

Step 1:
Make sure the .dbml item has been added to the project and the database tables have been dragged to the .dbml surface. It helps if the table's relationships have been established. If tables, or relationships have been modified, the corresponding tables in the .dbml need to be revised by simply deleting the modified table in the .dbml surface and re-dragging the table to the .dbml surface.

Step 2:
Create the DataGrid in the WPF window. Create the columns and bind the columns to the cooresponding fields in the database. The double click event is added so the user can double click a row instead of having to click a button. These columns are set to be read only so no modification is possible on the DataGrid as in this example, it's only used as a way to select a row. Additionally, the StringFormat is used to view the date field as a date and not date and time.

Binding="{Binding Path=fieldName1}"/>
Binding="{Binding Path=fieldNameDate, StringFormat={}{0:d}}" />

The DataGrid will need to refresh during a few operations. If, say, a row is selected, and a new window is made to revise the data for that row, the list will need to show the new information. The code statements to build the list of information should be put into its own method. Here is an example of the code snippet that will perform the building of the list using a LING Query and creating a Database connection. an example of ordering (orderby) and filtering (where) is included. The list would generally be called in the Window_Loaded event.

private void buildListforDataGrid()
NameOfDataContext DatabaseConnection = new NameOfDataContext();
List<linqtablename> NameForTheList = (
from s in DatabaseConnection.LinqTableName
where s.UniqueID == UniqueIDNumber
orderby s.fieldNameDate
select s).ToList();

NameOfDataGrid.ItemsSource = NameForTheList;

The list would generally be called in the Window_Loaded event and after an instance of a new dialog or window is

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)