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Adding and Updating Records in an SQL Database Using LINQ

If the same window will be used for the form to update a record and add a record, then the Accept button will be the single button to start the task. With this in mind, the single button will need to have a condition to understand if the record is new, or if it exists. I use an Update boolean variable to tell me if the information on the WPF window is to update, or to add. If the update is true, then the information in the WPF window is to be updated. Initially, the update was set when the information was passed to the window to get the information inthe fields. If the table object was null, the I set the Update flag to false.

The accept button will have code to direct the appropriate call like this:

private void AcceptButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
LINQTableName TableFields = new LINQTableName();
TableFields = FillTableFieldsFromScreenfields(TableFields);
if (Update == true)

DialogResult = true;

The DatabaseCommands methods are located in my App.xaml.cs file as this is a good place to put my general code (personal preference). You could just have easily created a new folder in the project and put the classes there. Here is what the Add and Update methods look like. You will notice how an exception is catched. If there is an SQL error of some sort, the program will open a messagebox and explain the error. The exception may be caused be an illegal constraint. In the update

class DatabaseCommands
public static void AddARecord(LINQTableName TableObjectToPassIn)
using (DataContextName DatabaseConnection = new DataContextName())

catch (Exception e)
"This action is not possible. Please press OK to continue.\n\n" + e.Message,
"Delete Error",

public static void UpdateARecord(LINQTableName TableObjectToPassIn)
DataContextName DatabaseConnection = new DataContextName();
LINQTableName ExistingRecord = (
from s in DatabaseConnection.LINQTable
where s.AUniqueID == TableObjectToPassIn.AUniqueID
select s).FirstOrDefault();

ExistingRecord.Filed1 = TableObjectToPassIn.Filed1;
ExistingRecord.Field2 = TableObjectToPassIn.Field2;
ExistingRecord.Field3 = TableObjectToPassIn.Field3;

catch (Exception e)
"This action is not possible. Please press OK to continue.\n\n" + e.Message,
"Delete Error",

All of the bold and underlined coded text are variables that would need to match according to your contect, objects, variables, etc.