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3 pin slide switch

SPDT Slide Switch 3 pin 30V

STM32F0 microcontroller and interface board top view

STM32 M0 MCU and Interface to Breadboard

Serial to USB converter with Micro USB cable

USB to Serial Converter

Image of the Atmega324p


Thumbnail: Crystal Oscillator 18.432 MHz for UART

18.432 MHz Crystal Oscillator 18pf 30ppm

Thumbnail: 22 pF Capacitor

22 pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

Thumbnail: Quartz crystal oscillator - 16 MHz

16 MHz Crystal Oscillator 20 pF Through Hole

Thumbnail: 4x4 keypad top view.

4x4 Keypad with Adhesive Backing

Thumbnail: quad buffer line driver 74HC126E

Quad Buffer Line Driver (Through Hole)

USB AVR programmer

USB AVR Programmer


Breadboarding: Connecting the TX Pin from a Microcontroller to the RX Pin of Another Microcontroller

For a microcontroller to be able to transmit, a wire must be connected to the TX pin of that microcontroller and this wire should be connected to the RX pin of the other device.

To be able to receive data from another microcontroller or device, a wire must be connected to its RX pin. This wire should also be connected to the TX of the other microcontroller or device.

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