On Paper: Setting a Cursor Location
a 20x4 LCD is described. the command 0b10000000 to the LCD allows you to set the curcor at a specific location. The trailing 0000000 is the position on the display. There are 128 possible locations, but for the 20x4, there are 80 possible locations.
1st line: 0 - 19
2nd line: 64 - 83
3rd line: 20 - 39
4th line: 84 - 103
Notice that the first line and the 3rd line continue like its on one line and the 4th line continues from the 2nd line. This is like it was meant to be a 2 line LCD with very long lines which is how the LCD processor treats all LCDs.
In the LCD program, a new function is created called GotoLocation(x, y).
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