The ADC has a noise cancelling features described below:
Circuit Specific: Analog Noise Cancelling Techniques: The ground plane specifications, using an inductor or 10 mH and 100 nf (nano farad) .1 uf (micro farad) capacitor.
Programming: ADC Noise Canceler - ADC noise reduction and idle mode. Entering the ADC noise reduction mode will cause the CPU to stop when the ADC is starting a conversion. This will only work in ADC single conversion mode.
the ADC noise reduction mode is invoked by setting the SM0 bit in the MCUCR register, make sure the SM1 and SM2 is not set. The SE (Sleep Enable) bit must also be enabled in the same register.
These are all of the instruction required to setup the ADC noise reduction mode:
ADCSRA |= 1<<ADIE; //Enable ADC Interrupts
sei(); //Enable Global Interupts
MCUCR |= 1<<SM0; //Enable Sleep Mode for the ADC
MCUCR |= 1<<SE; //Set Sleep Enable
ADCSRA |= 1<<ADSC; //Start an ADC Single Conversion
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