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Thumbnail: 22 pF Capacitor

22 pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

10uF Through Hole Electrolytic Capacitor

Single 10uF Through Hole Electrolytic Capacitor

Thumbnail: MAX603 Voltage Regulator
.1uf (100nf) ceramic capacitor

Single .1uF (100nF) 50V 10% Through Hole Ceramic Capacitor

thumbnail: 100uF 50v through hole aluminum electrolytic capacitor

100uF/50v Through Hole Electrolytic Capacitor

Thumbnail: Crystal Oscillator 18.432 MHz for UART

18.432 MHz Crystal Oscillator 18pf 30ppm

Thumbnail: Quartz crystal oscillator - 16 MHz

16 MHz Crystal Oscillator 20 pF Through Hole

4 AA Battery Holder with Wire Leads

4 x AA Battery Holder with Wire Leads

9V Battery Hold with Wire Leads

9V Battery Holder with Wire Leads

Flex Sensor - Sensing Bending and Displacement

55.37mm (2.18 Inch) Flex Sensor


Result: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) Using Capacitors to Smooth a Voltage Signal

Capacitors can be used to smooth a rough or noisy signal. In this case, an accelerometer is being read by the ADC. The ADC is seeing a very noisy signal from the accelerometer.
A 10 uf (micro farad) capacitor is used to smooth the signal coming into the ADC. The result is a smoother signal and the response is acceptable, no apparent lag.

A 100 uf capacitor is also tested to determine if the signal can be smoothed even more. The result from the 100 uf capacitor is a bit smoother, but not enough to justify the use of a larger capacitor. The lag is greater with this capacitor and would probably be unacceptable.

Much of the noise may be coming from the breadboard itself, or the internal clock and other functions of the microcontroller.

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