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USB 2.0 Cable 10 Foot Type A Male to Type B Male

USB 2.0 Cable Type A Male to Type B Male - 10 FT

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

3 Foot USB Cable Type A to USB Cable Type A

USB Cable Type A Male to USB Type A Male - 3 FT

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NEMA 17 Stepping Motor (62 oz-in 5mm single shaft)

$19.95 Out of Stock
Image of the Atmega324p



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10K Trimmer Potentiometer (Through Hole)

16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

White prototyping breadboard with 30 tie strips and two power rails on each side.

White Prototyping Breadboard (2x30 columns of tie strips and 2x2 rows of power strips)

Clear Semi Transparent Breadboard

Clear Prototyping Breadboard (2x30 columns of tie strips and 2x2 rows of power strips)


Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to setup the player to fire a projectile by setting up the left mouse button to fire, and spawning an actor (spawnactor)

Open the character blueprint. There may already be a graph that contains quite a bit of logic for the character.

Setup a node to accept input from the mouse. Right click on the events graph and click on Inputs, then mouse events and then left mouse button. This will add a left mouse button press event.

Now, a spawn actor node must be added. Right click on the graph and type spawn actor. Click on spawn actor from class.

Connect the button press event (white execution wire) to the SpawnActor node.

Add a get actor location node so the spawning can originate from the character and add a get control rotation to rotate the projectile appropriately. These are both found on the context menu by right clicking on the graph.

Drag from the control rotation node and type forward and click on get forward vector. This will direct the projectile forward from the character. Multiply this forward vector by 100 by using the vector multiplication by float. Add this new forward vector to the actor location node using the vector plus vector node.

Add a make transform node to the graph from the context menu. Connect the vector vector addition node to the location pin on the transform node and connect the control rotation node to the rotation pin on the transform node.

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