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Initialization for the LCD to enable the LCD, put it in write mode, and the Register Select set high. A delay of 15 ms is needed to wait for the LCD wakes up.

The commands that are required to be able to use the LCD are put into an initialization function. Commands that are required for the LCD use is:

- Setting the correct data direction for the LCD pins
- Clearing the Screen if the LCD: 0x01 with a delay afterwards
- Command to turn the LCD on and set the cursor attributes.

The commands that are required to be able to use the LCD are put into an initialization function. Commands that are required for the LCD use is:

- Setting the correct data direction for the LCD pins
- Clearing the Screen if the LCD: 0x01 with a delay afterwards
- Command to turn the LCD on and set the cursor attributes.

This is a boilerplate code to initialize the ADC for interrupts and including the LCD library so the result can be displayed.

The LCD library and initialization is established. The interrupts for the ADC is started and a string is sent to the LCD. This is to get ready for the pressure sensor program. A string is sent to the LCD to create a label called Pressure.

First the data direction register for port b (DDRB) and pin 0 must be set for output since the LED is be controlled.

The high or low state of that pin is already at a low state (by default) and that is how it need to be at the initialization.

The section of the UART/USART initialization for determining the baud rate had an error. The error pertained to first not containing the product of 16 and baud so the F_CPU is not divided by the 16 before the 16 is multiplied by the baud. The second problem was that the letter 'L' was not added after the 16. The L, in the C programming language informs the compiler that the 16 is a long integer.

The section of the UART/USART initialization for determining the baud rate had an error. The error pertained to first not containing the product of 16 and baud so the F_CPU is not divided by the 16 before the 16 is multiplied by the baud. The second problem was that the letter 'L' was not added after the 16. The L, in the C programming language informs the compiler that the 16 is a long integer.