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ADXL 345 Accelerometer breakout with headers

ADXL345 Breakout board (I2C/SPI)

Triple Axis Magnetometer product view

Magnetometer Triple Axis Compass i2c

Type K Thermocouple Temperature Sensor

Type K Thermocouple - Temperature Sensor

Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Range Finder

Ultrasonic Range Finder - Distance Measuring Transducer Sensor

Flex Sensor - Sensing Bending and Displacement

55.37mm (2.18 Inch) Flex Sensor

Top view of the temperature humidity sensor

Temp/Humidity Sensor

PIR sensor on dark background

PIR Sensor - Pyroelectric Motion Sensor

Temperature Sensor Probe view from top

Platinum Resistance Temperature Sensor Probe

USB 2.0 Cable 10 Foot Type A Male to Type B Male

USB 2.0 Cable Type A Male to Type B Male - 10 FT

3 Foot USB Cable Type A to USB Cable Type A

USB Cable Type A Male to USB Type A Male - 3 FT


What a Breakout for the Differential Pressure Sensor Might Look Like

This is a breakout for the pressure sensor since the sensor is it is an SMD (a Surface Mount Device). Fortunately, the pressure sensor has a lead pitch that matches the perf board pad spacing of .1" (2.54 mm).

This allows the prototyping to go much faster as the sensor can be plugged into the breadboard very easily. The leads are simply soldered onto the pads and a header that shares these pads.

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