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Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Range Finder

Ultrasonic Range Finder - Distance Measuring Transducer Sensor

PIR sensor on dark background

PIR Sensor - Pyroelectric Motion Sensor

Flex Sensor - Sensing Bending and Displacement

55.37mm (2.18 Inch) Flex Sensor

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

3 Foot USB Cable Type A to USB Cable Type A

USB Cable Type A Male to USB Type A Male - 3 FT

USB 2.0 Cable 10 Foot Type A Male to Type B Male

USB 2.0 Cable Type A Male to Type B Male - 10 FT

Tumbnail: 62 oz-in NEMA 17 Stepping motors (also called stepper motor)

NEMA 17 Stepping Motor (62 oz-in 5mm single shaft)

$19.95 Out of Stock
Image of the Atmega324p



10K timmer potentiometer

10K Trimmer Potentiometer (Through Hole)


Result: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) Range of Conversion Data using the Internal 2.56v Reference

The result from the ADC using the internal 2.56v reference and the accelerometer set at 1.5g is 325 at completely vertical and rotated 180 degrees the result is 963. This makes sense since we are not seeing the .5g's on either end of the rotation since we are only getting 1g, or the measure of gravity.

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