ARM Microcontroller (STM32) Push Button Software Debouncing.
This is a 48 minute video showing the analysis of a push button voltage bounce and creating software debouncing libraries for the
ARM Microcontroller architecture using the STM32 ST Micro Microcontroller. Only $4.90 to learn all this great detail.
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Make sure you watch the second software debouncing video prior to watching this video as it contains much of the code
that you will be using to create the libraries.
Here, you will learn how the push button reacts to mechanical bouncing and how to overcome this issue and how to create concise code
to eliminate the bounce that happens with push buttons. The code is written in C and using the ARM Microcontroller architecture.
First, I will show the analysis of the bouncing going on with the voltage when the push button is pressed and released.
Then, I will take the code written here on the second software debouncing video and convert the code into a library for convenient re-use
in the while loop.