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The STM32 ultra basic kit showing all of the components

STM32 Ultra Basic Kit Special Introductory Price!

The ARM STM32F030 Advanced kit with the book ARM Microcontrollers Programming and Circuit Building Volume 1

ARM Advanced Kit with Book Vol 1

ST Link v2 for STM32 and STM8 microcontrollers top view of all components

ST-Link v2 STM32 and STM8 Programmer

STM32F0 microcontroller and interface board top view

STM32 M0 MCU and Interface to Breadboard

Image of the Atmega324p


Serial to USB converter with Micro USB cable

USB to Serial Converter

Thumbnail: Crystal Oscillator 18.432 MHz for UART

18.432 MHz Crystal Oscillator 18pf 30ppm

Thumbnail: 22 pF Capacitor

22 pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

Thumbnail: Quartz crystal oscillator - 16 MHz

16 MHz Crystal Oscillator 20 pF Through Hole


ARM Microcontroller Intermediate Kit (STM32F0)


You want an ARM microcontroller kit that will have the components to get you deep into circuits that take advantage of many of the STM32 feature set. Consider this microcontroller kit based around the STM32F0 series.


Get all the components you need to develop projects that use most of the features of the ARM Microcontroller STM32F0 series. You will be able to develop projects and circuits that make use of PWM, UART, SPI, I2C (IIC or TWI), Timers, and much more.

The kit includes an STM32 ARM Microcontroller breakout board. The breakout board can be fastened onto three breadboares and allow you to have two tie strips for each microcontroller pin!! These pins will have a total of 9 connections (4 on one tie strip and 5 on the other.

The kit includes the following components:

  • STM32F030 Microcontroller and breakout board
  • ST-LinkV2 Programmer
  • Cable to connect the ST-LinkV2
  • (3) Breadboards
  • 16x2 LCD Character Display Module
  • (3) 10k Trimmer Potentiometer
  • 50k Potentiometer
  • 5V Low Dropout Regulator MAX603
  • 3V Low Dropout Regulator MAX604
  • Quad Buffer Line Driver
  • 16 MHz Crystal
  • 18.432 MHz Crystal
  • FTDI USB to Serial Converter with Cable (Great for USART development)
  • 5V 1.5A Voltage Regulator
  • (2) 22pF 200V Capacitor (mainly for use with the crystals)
  • 40 Pin Male Header
  • Resistors: (4) 1k, (4) 10k, and (20) 330 ohm
  • (4) Push Buttons
  • (12) Green LEDs
  • (2) Red LEDs
  • Solid Core Jumper Set with 140 total hookup wires of different lengths and colors
  • (4) 10uF Electrolytic Capacitors
  • (4) 100uF Electrolytic Capacitors
  • (11) 100nF/0.1uF Capacitors

ARM Microcontroller Intermediate Kit (STM32F0)


Learn about the ARM Microcontroller Intermediate Kit (STM32F0)

Introduction and setup of Atmel Studio 6 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for programming Atmel AVR and ARM microcontrollers.
Installation of Atmel Studio 6 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for programming Atmel AVR and ARM microcontrollers.
Part 1: Walkthrough of the Atmel Studio 6 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for programming Atmel AVR and ARM microcontrollers.
Part 2: Walkthrough of the Atmel Studio 6 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for programming Atmel AVR and ARM microcontrollers.
Starting a new project and specifying the microcontroller: Atmel Studio 6 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for programming Atmel AVR and ARM microcontrollers.