Magnetometer Triple Axis Compass i2c
Magnetometer Triple Axis Compass i2c
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This is a 3 axis magnetometer. The magnetometer provides a compass by sensing where the strongest magnetic force is. This board communicates through i2c and will work with 3v-5v microcontrollers.

Questions & Answers
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What's the difference between the redLeaf and redSprout?
The redLeaf uses a standard motherboard with a reasonably fast processor that can control the CNC machine and run CAD and CAM applications. The Hard drive for the redLeaf is 1 TB. the redSprout uses a miniITX motherboard that contains an Intel Atom of equivalent processor. This configuration is adequate for controlling a CNC machine however, CAD and CAM programs may run slow. The hard drive is either a 500GB or 60GB SSD. The overall size is smaller than the redLeaf. Both systems come with 2 GB of RAM.
What output pins on your BOB are used to control the SuperPID?
Yes, you can use any two of the output terminals of the breakout board to control the SuperPID closed loop router controller (a diagram is not needed with these instructions). One output terminal will be used as an on/off (1/0 or 5v/gnd) that will be invoked with the M3/M4/M5 M-codes in your g-code instructions. The other terminal will be connected to either another 5v/gnd signal to control speed for 5000/20000 rpm or for PWM output (recommended) for proportional speed control. To setup this configuration in Mach3, go to your ports and pins dialog box (config menu -> ports and pins). Click on the spindle setup tab. In the Motor Control Section of the dialog, check the box for Use Spindle Motor Output and check the box for PWM control. Change the PWM Base Frequency to 50Hz.
Router has poor runout.
could possibly use a precision collet, or just tell the software that the bit is 0.010" larger than it really is (e.g. 0.500" bit becomes 0.510"
ReplicatorG says my white ant extruder is at 500 or more. I've replaced the electronics on the printer but that hasn't fixed it what else can I do?
Please explain what the number 500 is? Thanks
Mach 3 stalls in the middle of a file and the dwell button is flashes randomly. Can't control motors and have to re-start Mach 3. Any help?
Is this a licensed version of Mach 3? If not and you are currently running the demo version, mach 3 will have only 500 lines of G-code available for cutting. Which will not allow you to cut or move the machine after the first 500 lines. Additional Information: Yes, It is a licensed version of Mach 3.
I purchased the USB BOB and the link for the Planet-cnc software is broke. Will I need to purchase a license for the software as well?
Here is the new link to the Planet CNC software download page: You can try the software as a demo however you will have limited g-code lines you can run. I believe it was around 500, so you can create small items with the demo. To fully unlock the Planet-CNC software you will need to purchase the license.
how much would your vertical laser kit cost without the wood components and door plastic shipped to Canada
Good question. I will need to add up the cost. However, the complete kit with the wood components will cost in the range of $300 to $500 using freight. Additional Information: I will add a price option on the Vertical Laser XL page that shows the assembly price without the wood structural parts. Are you wanting the rails included in the price? Additional Information: Hi, I was expecting an email answer, I did not know that you answered. Also I am in Fiji, not Canada. There is a flaw with your question form, It would not accept Fiji because we have no postal codes, so I put in my old Canadian code so that it would accept my question. Yes we would need the rails and any mechanical and electrical components. Our plan is to build it against a wall in a shipping container. If you do not have a suitable freight forwarder I can ask at this end because people frequently receive shipping containers. Thank you, George
How long does the Mach3 trial version last?
There is no time limit for the trial version of Mach3. There is, however, a limit to the number of g-code instruction lines that you will be able to run from Mach3. The trial version of Mach3 will allow you to run up to 500 lines of g-code. Additional Information: Additional Information: Additional Information:
Do you have 1/8 collet matched with Dewalt DW611?
At this time we carry router collets that are compatible with the Porter Cable 690/7500 series and the Bosch 1617/1618/1619 series of routers. Our current selection of collets can be seen at this page of our website: You might also consider one of our spindles, found here: for which we carry a full range of collets. Additional Information: MAKE SURE of model # (scroll down for DWP611)