

Ben's workshop. See his greenBull CNC router with a laser hybrid

Table (Frame) Dimensions:
- Actual table dimension: 6'x12' is 80.3587"x169.5" (the overhang in the illustrations should be 3/4" thick)
- To determine the frame dimensions, first consider using the frame height shown of almost 3' (2.86'). The width of the frame should be 4" narrower than the dimension from rail edge to rail edge (6X rail to rail is 80.078"). This will provide a 2" overhang on both sides (6X frame width should be 76.078").
- The length of the frame should be 4" shorter than the desired length of the rails to provide a 2" overhang on both ends. The travel length will be 20" shorter than the rail length due to the space occupied by the gantry sides.
- Two long pieces of 3/4" material will need to be placed on top of the frame with the 2" overhang on the sides and the end. These long strips of material will receive the rails and the chain mounts on the ends.

Wiring Diagrams and Tutorials: 2.2KW Spindle Wiring: Diagram How to Program Inverter / VFD: Click Here Mach3 USB Interface Board Wiring: Diagram Parallel Breakout Board: Diagram | Video Tutorial USB Breakout Board: Diagram | Video Tutorial