CAMBAM CAD and CAM Design Software
CAMBAM CAD and CAM Design Software
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Order CAMBAM Now: Inexpensive CAM software perfect for DIY and Industrial CNC applications. Licenses emailed FAST directly to your inbox. This is the essential software that assists in the design process. Yes, you can design with this software and then translate it into tool paths and it's the perfect companion to the Mach3 control software.

Questions & Answers
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Can you purchase the BOBCAD-CAM software alone, or in with the combination LaserCutter, or is it only available for the price listed in combination with the blackfoot CNC
You can purchase the BobCAD-CAM as a bundle with any of our machines.
Can you convert a 3D print file to a file that can be ran on my cnc rounter and how would it have to be converted ?
Converting a 3D file to be used with a CNC machine will depend on the capability of the software you are using for developing machine operations (CAM software). For instance, if you use CAMBAM and the operation will consider a typical 3 axis CNC machine without a 4th axis, you would simply load the 3D file (.3ds or .stl) and apply a 3D profile machining operation on the 3D object. No conversion is necessary. Check the capabilities of the CAM software you are using. You may just be able to load up the 3D file and start using it. If you don't have your 3D file in the specified format (i.e. .3ds or .stl) then you will need to find a converter to convert the file into the file format that is compatible with your CAM software which should be relatively easy to find on the internet for free.
I am having trouble connecting the cambam program with my Mach3 to my 4X8 Blackfoot CNC machine. Where can I get help on this issue. Have had my machine since 2015 and have not been able to use it. Thank you
CamBam specifically creates the g-code (machining operations) instructions to be loaded into Mach3. Make sure in your CamBam g-code file parameters, you are using the Mach3 post processor. If you have already done this, let me know. If you are not sure how to do this, let me know.
I am building a 23' x 10' plasma table with your epuipment and am choosing software. Is Cambam OK or do I need to get a more powerful cad software
CAMBAM is an excellent choice to use for providing plasma operations for a plasma machine. Here is a link to get you started and for the resource files that you can use with CAMBAM. Since CAMBAM has CAD functionality, you should have no problem using CAMBAM as a CAD design software. If you are dong more intricate work, then you can use MOre CAD oriented software and then load the .DXF files into CAMBAM for the application of plasma operations on top of the primitive CAD geometry.
How do I determine what post processor I have on my shop built CNC. There are about a million to choose from on Vcarve Pro
You will probably have post processors like the following listed: Mach2/3 ATC Arcs (inch) Mach2/3 ATC Arcs (mm) Mach2/3 Arcs (inch) Mach2/3 Arcs (mm) Mach2/3-WrapX2A ATC Arcs (inch) Mach2/3-WrapX2A ATC Arcs (mm) Mach2/3-WrapY2A ATC Arcs (inch) Mach2/3-WrapY2A ATC Arcs (mm) If you have an Automatic Tool Changer, use the post processor with the ATC in the name. For most applications and if you don't have an ATC (automatic tool changer), use the Mach2/3 Arcs (inch) or (mm) post processor. Additional Information:
How do I determine what CAM program I should use?
There are several specifications related to CAM software that you will need to consider. 1. The CAM software will need to be able to offer the features that match that of the machine you select to perform the fabrication. Some of these machines include, standard 3 axis vertical CNC milling machine, turning machine, and 4 or 5 axis CNC machine. 2. The CAM software will need to contain the features that you feel are necessary for how you will apply the machine. For example, are you making signs? Are you milling parts for a machine? There is a wide array of CAM software that will work well for one application and not another. 3. The CAM software will need to work well with your workflow and processes, and have the user interface that you prefer.
How do I cut on the inside of a polygon using CAMBAM?
The apply a machining operation that cuts along the inside of a polygon, you will need to use the profile machining operation located at the top of the user interface, the first icon in red to the left. Hovering over the icons will inform you of what machining operation the icon represents. Select the polygon and click on the profile icon. A new profile operation will be created in the left drawing pane (outline of machining operations). Underneath the drawing pane, there is another pane with parameters for the profile listed. Find the Inside/Outside parameter and click just right of that parameter to change the setting to inside.
Does Mach 4 cam software require an additional cad software program to complete part production?
Mach4 is actually control software. Control software takes the code result from CAM and moves the machine according to this code (called Goode). Here is a simplified idea of the software generally used with CNC Machines and CNC Routers. - CAD software is generally used to create the primary design. Includes geometric primitives like points, lines, circles, arcs, and polylines. These are put together to form a complete design - CAM takes a design drawn in CAD and allows the user to create machining operations to the primitive geometry. Some CAM programs have CAD features built-in so CAD is not always necessary. - Control software takes the CAM information in the form of Gcode and moves the machines and controls other aspects to create the final real world output as close to the CAD input as possible.
What platform does this run on
CAMBAM runs on any computer that runs any Windows version.
How many computers can i use it on
The license is connected to the user rather than the computer, so you can install the license on all of your computers.
Are there instructions that come with CAMBAM
The instructions for CAMBAM is located on the CAMBAM website here: Written documentation: Video documentation: FAQ: Videos on the BuildYourCNC YouTube channel: Project using a CNC Router - The Complete Process from Start to Finish - A Must-See for Beginners CNC Beginner Overview - One Demonstration of the CAD, CAM and CNC Milling Process CNC Routing Process (CAD, CAM and CNC Control) Variant 1: CAMBAM to Mach3 and CNC Routing CNC Routing Process (CAD, CAM and CNC Control) Variant 2: Part 1 Starting the Design in AutoCAD CNC Routing Process (CAD, CAM and CNC Control) Variant 2: Part 2 Finishing the Design in AutoCAD CNC Routing Process (CAD, CAM and CNCl) Variant 2: Part 3 Apply Machining Operations in CAMBAM CNC Routing Process (CAD, CAM and CNCl) Variant 2: Part 4 Cut Out the Shelves. CNC Routing Process (CAD, CAM and CNCl) Variant 2: Part 5 Cut Out the Legs and Assemble. Part 1: From SketchUp to Fabrication Part 2: From SketchUp to Fabrication