Printed Circuit Board Isolation Routing

Printed Circuit Board Isolation Routing

With this tutorial, you will learn the applications necessary for PCB Routing, a primer on these applications (EAGLE and PCB-Gcode), materials and appropriate end mills to remove the copper, considerations for machine setup and the final routing. I will also note the issues that I had during the process. This tutorial explains the following process:
  • The software required to make schematics (EAGLE) and the software required to create the gcode (PCB-Gcode).
  • Downloading and installing the software step by step.
  • A short primer on using EAGLE with a small Safety Charge Pump as the circuit.
  • How to develop a schematic and a PCB layout.
  • Important considerations when laying out a PCB to be routed.
  • An overview of the PCB-Gcode setup and some examples of what happens to routed boards with various configurations.
  • The actual routing of the developed circuit board made in EAGLE with an overview of the end mills needed and considerations for mounting the board and homing.
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