Autodesk Inventor/CAM/CNC Workflow - Part 6: Continue using Excel and Adding Holes for Fasteners

Autodesk Inventor/CAM/CNC Workflow - Part 6: Continue using Excel and Adding Holes for Fasteners

In part 6 of the series we will be continuing to show how to use Excel and adding holes for fasteners. We start off by making another hole where we made the previous one. We don't know where we want to place it yet, so we will do an arbitrary location. First we make sure the Excel sheet is linked so the parameters are exposed to this particular part. Now that we have made sure we have the parameters, we create a new hole. We want the hole to be somewhere near the edge, you will notice we click on the line without using a reference. Right-clicking will show previously used formulas. Now we select the parameter "FastenerDistanceFromEdge" and use the "Through All" termination. Now we have a hole we can use for this part. Now that we have the hole created we can use this in a constraint. We want to make sure the hole on the mount and the hole on the base are constrained together. We constrain the holes together and now you will notice you can rotate the mount. Next we repair the distance from the edge to make sure everything is correct. We do this by again selecting "FastenerDistanceFromEdge" from the list of parameters. Remember, you can return to the Excel sheet, modify values, and save the sheet to update any values that need to be changed. Also make sure to update the entire file. Now we will add another cross dowel hole. We add the hole, change the dimension, set the reference "Distance from edge" and then "Standard Screw length". Now we need to construct the intersecting hole. Once you have your Excel sheet established, everything goes pretty quickly. We set the parameters again and quickly establish the new hole. Now we want to create the final holes on the back of the base. We don't have a parameter for this one yet so we will create a new parameter called "TopMountDistanceFromTop" and save it. Now we add the holes, using the distance from edge and top mount distance parameters. Now we constrain both holes with the "mate" constraint. Now these are fastened and won't be able to move. For the last part of the video you will see how the "grounded" selection keeps the part grounded and not able to move freely. Click Here for the Next Part in the Series
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