Tech Video Clips
Breadboard: Push Button and Two LEDs connected ...
Breadboard circuit of one button with hardware debouncing and two LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) connected to an AVR microcontroller. The push button switch is connected to pin 1 on PORT...
Breadboard: Push Button and Two LEDs connected ...
Breadboard circuit of one button with hardware debouncing and two LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) connected to an AVR microcontroller. The push button switch is connected to pin 1 on PORT...
Blink an LED Program and Circuit for AVR
Developing a program to blink an LED on the Atmel AVR microcontroller under WINAVR using programmers notepad (AVR-GCC programming in C).
Blink an LED Program and Circuit for AVR
Developing a program to blink an LED on the Atmel AVR microcontroller under WINAVR using programmers notepad (AVR-GCC programming in C).
Bitwise Shift Operations 'OR'
Programatically understanding shift operations used in the bitwise 'OR' operation.
Bitwise Shift Operations 'OR'
Programatically understanding shift operations used in the bitwise 'OR' operation.
Bitwise OR Operation in Program
Programatically understanding the logical 'OR' bitwise operation. Bitwise aritimetic to set a specific bit to 1 in an 8-bit number without affecting the neighboring bits in that number.
Bitwise OR Operation in Program
Programatically understanding the logical 'OR' bitwise operation. Bitwise aritimetic to set a specific bit to 1 in an 8-bit number without affecting the neighboring bits in that number.
AVR USB (USBasp) programmer for AVR Microcontro...
The goal of this video is to show you how to program ATmega32A chip using AVR USB Programmer. Video Courtesy of Youtube Channel: BinaryUpdates USBasp setup
AVR USB (USBasp) programmer for AVR Microcontro...
The goal of this video is to show you how to program ATmega32A chip using AVR USB Programmer. Video Courtesy of Youtube Channel: BinaryUpdates USBasp setup
AVR Pin Data Direction using binary Notation (i...
Code for Setting a pin for output (data direction for a port - DDR) using binary notation for the Atmel AVR microcontroller.
AVR Pin Data Direction using binary Notation (i...
Code for Setting a pin for output (data direction for a port - DDR) using binary notation for the Atmel AVR microcontroller.