blackTooth Laser Cutter/Engraver on Kickstarter
Yep, we finished developing the laser cutter and engraver and we decided to put it up on Kickstarter to raise enough funding to get a lower price from our suppliers. This will enable us to drop the price on Kickstarter to $1500 for an unassembled unit and $2000 for an assembled unit. We also have units that have an integrated computer system. The cutting and engraving area is 24" x 20". There are limited units available, so if you are interested, I strongly recommend backing the project to get a unit. We will be selling these on the website, but we will not be able to match the price due to supplier costs on low count purchases (approx $300 more), so grab one when you can. The deliverable deadlines are April and May 2013. I will be working very hard to get them out much sooner. Of course, if funded, the backers will receive the units in the order that they backed, which means, the units will start going out right after we receive the laser equipment from the supplier. We are already hard at work fabricating the structure in anticipation.