.200" (XL) Pitch, 50 Teeth, 1/4" Wide Single Sided
If you are trying to determine the steps per inch (or mm) for that particular timing drive pulley, here is the formula: Steps per inch = steps / inch Steps = (motor steps x microstepping amount) The microstepping is how many steps to standard step from the motor. For 1/16 microstepping, there will be 16 steps for one standard step. Typically, stepping motors naturally ave 200 steps per revolution. Let use the 16 as an example: Steps = (200 x 16) = 3200 steps for one revolution Inches = how many inches for one complete revolution In the case of a drive pulley with 50 teeth and .2 inches from tooth to tooth, the pitch circumference is simply .2 inches x 50 teeth = 10 inches. Back to the formula: Steps / inch = (3200 steps) / (10 inches) = 320 steps/inch If you want more steps per inch (better resolution for your application), simply increase the microstepping amount, or reduce the pulley pitch circumference (smaller pulley diameter). Let's consider a smaller pulley, say 20 teeth with the same XL specifications: Steps / inch = (200 x 16) / (.2 inches x 20) = 3200 / 4 = 800 steps/inch Let's consider a larger microstepping: Steps / inch = (200 x 32) / (.2 inches x 50) = 6400 / 10 = 640 steps/inch