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Image of the Atmega324p


Microcontroller Kit with DVD

Microcontroller Beginner Kit with Beginning Microcontrollers DVD

USB AVR programmer

USB AVR Programmer

Microcontroller Beginner Kit

Microcontroller Beginner Kit

Microcontroller Intermediate Kit

Microcontroller Intermediate Kit

Microcontroller Intermediate Kit with DVD

Microcontroller Intermediate Kit with DVD

Microcontroller Advanced Kit

Microcontroller Advanced Kit

Microcontroller Advanced Kit with DVD

Microcontroller Advanced Kit with DVD

Microcontroller Kit
Microcontroller Tutorial DVD

Beginning Microcontrollers Tutorial


WINAVR Compiling and Transferring the Code to the AVR

Compiling the program and transferring the compiled program into the microcontroller using the USBTIny AVR pocket programmer and WINAVR programmers notepad. The process under programmers notepad is Tools -> Make All to compile the program and Tools -> Program to invoke avrdude.exe to transfer the compiled program into the microcontroller.
Response From: Chen

???????? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?????? AVR Studio was unable to start your debug sisseon.Please verify that the debugger is correctly attached to the target and that target power has been switched on. Also verify that the correct device and interface settings have been specified in the project.
Response From: Erick

I have corrected this scmthaeic by including AND gate for enabling E pin of LCD. LCD will be enabled when both Data input and shift registers output Q7 will be logical 1 . Without AND gate it was impossible to clear LCD because while clearing data shifts forward through E pin and this enables LCD multiple times by by writing dummy data to it.

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