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thumbnail: 3 position female connector with 2.54mm pitch

3 position female connector with 2.54mm pitch

2x36 pin header IDC

2.54 mm (0.1") Pitch Male Connector 36 pin Header

40 pin IC Socket with mechanical pencil in background for scale.

40 pin IC Socket

molex connector with crimp pins thumbnail

4 Pin Female Molex Connector with Crimp Pins

Thumbnail: A bundle of 65 jumper wires of various length and color. Bound together with the male connectors shown in the foreground.

Bundle of 65 Male to Male Flexible Jumper Wires


Jumper Wire Pack 140 Pieces Multi-Size Multi-Color

4 AA Battery Holder with Wire Leads

4 x AA Battery Holder with Wire Leads

9V Battery Hold with Wire Leads

9V Battery Holder with Wire Leads

Tactile momentary push button switch 6 mm x 6 mm (through hole)
LED button tactile switch

LED Button Tactile Switch


How to Solder a Wire to a Header Pin

Soldering a wire to a metal pin of a header is tricky. The problem with simply soldering a wire to a metal pin is that the wire can easily break off of the pin. The solution is to create a mechanical connection with the wire to the pin and then soldering the wire. A mechanical connection in this case is simply taking the wire and looping it once around the pin.

Extra hands are used to assist in the holding of the headers while soldering

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